For Newton City Council, Ward 1
I live in Ward 1
I care about Ward 1
I will continue to work hard for Ward 1


My highest priority has been constituent services, listening and responding to the concerns and needs of you--my constituents. I have made myself available through email, phone, and office hours, to help you resolve city-related problems.
In addition, I have focused on community building by:
✦Encouraging coalition-building between different neighborhood groups such as the Hunnewell Hill Task Force, Newton Corner Neighborhood Association and Jackson Homestead Neighborhood Association to join forces in dealing with Newton Corner issues. Goal- to continue to share Ward 1 updates to these neighborhood groups.
✦Being a proud member of Nonantum Neighborhood Association for the past 11 years celebrating Nonantum village life and traditions by hosting fun community events like our annual Nonantum Village Day and periodic informational community meetings regarding local issues. Goals- to plan a successful Village Day in 2022 and to continue to collaborate with residents and Newton police to keep Nonantum a safe and vibrant village. To also collaborate with NNA and fellow Ward 1 councilors to initiate a pilot street sweeping program and to discuss the surety of our city's fire hydrants. To work with neighbors to create an Italian American Heritage Day in 2022.
✦Ensuring that our schools remain one of Massachusetts top public school systems with proper funding for staff, students and buildings. Goal- to ensure that the new Lincoln Eliot project be a premier school and park that the children of Ward 1 deserve.
✦Promoting and supporting local businesses which are vital for vibrant village centers and maintaining a viable commercial tax base. Goal- to assist these businesses recover from the pandemic and prevent any further closures.
✦Advocating for the creation of affordable, accessible, and diverse housing such Haywood House, the Riverdale 40B project, West Newton Armory, Northland and Riverside. All the while working hard to shape proposed development that will preserve Village life and character. Goals- to work with developers to maximize size and number of affordable units for large scale projects in addition to creating accessible and appropriate units for our seniors and or disabled. I've also begun to initiate discussions to create additional conditions such as rat mediation and vibration standards for development projects to mitigate nuisances to neighboring abutters.
✦Improving our city’s transportation infrastructure for our drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists by supporting the implementation of local traffic calming measures, advocating for the installation of crosswalks and bike lanes and fostering opportunities for the city to provide additional modes of transportation. I have also pushed local developers to incorporate robust transportation management plans in their proposals including adding improvement funds to adjacent roads and sidewalks and have encouraged them to join transportation associations such as the Watertown Transportation Management Association. All to stimulate alternative modes of transportation thereby relieving traffic congestion. Goals- to assist neighbors of Newtonville Ave to implement traffic calming measures on that street. To continue to work with Mass DOT and our city's Transportation dept to improve Exit 17 (now 127) and rotary.
✦Preserving, maintaining and improving our City’s green spaces and parks have been an ongoing prime focus of mine. Not only are our City’s precious green spaces vital in combatting the Climate Crisis, but they also offer much-needed respite and comfort as we cope with the pandemic. It is imperative that they along with our street trees be protected. I have worked directly with the Parks and Rec dept to improve each of our Ward 1 parks. Goals- To see improvements made to Pellegrini field house and murals and work with the Mayor's office to create a community garden in Ward 1.
✦Helping our City combat the global Climate Crisis by supporting the adoption the Citizens’ Climate Action Plan with a focus on developers using passive house building standards, backing the city’s installation of solar panels, and Newton Power Choice program. Goal- to ensure that all future large scale project incorporate the highest standard of energy efficiency and renewability.
Thank you for your interest. If you'd like to be involved in my campaign, host a lawn sign, make a donation or have a question please see the information below.
Please Make Checks Payable to:
Comm. to Elect Maria S Greenberg
108 Adams St.
Newton, MA 02458
Or donate online with the link to ActBlue