Village Tradition
I am a strong supporter, participant and promoter of Nonantum's long standing traditions-St. Mary of Carmen Festa, Nonantum Children's Christmas party events, Memorial and Veterans day events. Working with various Nonantum neighborhood groups and the Mayor's office to create an Italian American Heritage Day in 2022. I was also a strong supporter of using CPA funds to help the restoration of Grace church tower, the cornerstone of historic Farlow Park.
Nonantum Village Day
Village Beautification
Worked with the Public Works Dept and the Mayor’s Office on Newton’s Beautification Program by coordinating and implementing projects in Nonantum such as tree and flower plantings including the traffic islands of the Newton Corner Rotary. Participated in Newton Serves and Charles River clean up projects.
Nonantum Village day 2019
Neighborhood Events
Member of the Nonantum Neighborhood Association (NNA) since its founding in 2011. We’ve promoted and participated in neighborhood cultural events such as Tour de Newton, Shop and Stroll and the Artful Piano. Our most notable accomplishment has been hosting our annual Nonantum Village Day, a free, family friendly event held every June and where college scholarships are awarded to two Nonantum high school seniors.
Village Safety
I have been instrumental in improving safety for our drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists by supporting the implementation of local traffic calming measures, advocating for the installation of crosswalks and bike lanes in places like the Hunnewell Hill neighborhood, intersections of California and Bridge st. and California and Chapel st.
I have also pushed local developers to incorporate robust transportation management plans in their proposals all to relieve traffic congestion.
Village Vitality
Collaborated with local Nonantum businesses to participate with Newton’s annual Shop and Stroll. Promoted and supported local businesses of Nonantum and Newton Corner.
Village Greenspace
I have been affective in efforts to preserve and enhance our greenspaces and parks. I am working closely with NNA and other neighbors to have improvements made to Pellegrini park fieldhouse and restoration work done to the murals. Collaborated with residents, neighborhood groups and Newton police on the care and stewardship of Stearns and Burr parks.